Monday, April 13, 2015

Good Food Good Liver Health

To keep your liver working well, reducing bad cholesterol and keeping cellulite to a minimum is through a good healthy diet so that the liver can work effectively. When we eat a poor diet that is high in saturated fats, our liver becomes sluggish and clogged. It is observed that a poor lymphatic system, bad circulation, hormonal imbalance and constipation were thought to help with the formation of cellulite. 

Diets rich in processed foods, alcohol and toxins affect our digestion which hinders natural detoxification.  Today’s fast food lifestyle, obesity is on the rise and is the cause of many illnesses as these foods cause congestion of ducts for circulation and eliminations systems including the bile ducts of the liver and the digestive tract.

Hence it is important to have a healthy diet and eating slowly can help as this allows the enzymes that break down food to work efficiently enabling proper absorption of nutrients and digestion of the food.

It is necessary that your liver is healthy as it produces bile that breaks down fat.  Therefore drink plenty of fluid and eat lots of fruits and vegetable that will give you many of the different vitamins and antioxidants needed for the liver to work at its best.  Drink a glass of Beetroot juice daily as it helps the liver break down stored fats.  There are herbal liver health supplements available which naturally restores liver health and supports healthy liver function.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These are 100% natural herbal supplements.