Thursday, April 12, 2018

Care for your Liver and maintain good health

In today’s time we are exposed to a lot of pollution from the environment like air pollution, second hand cigarette smoke, paints, carpet, furniture and other chemicals in the personal care products.  Most of us even follow an unhealthy diet like excess sugar, excess alcohol, food additives, preservatives in processed foods, etc.  All these are harmful and build up toxins in our body and thus the liver which is a very important organ of the body becomes overburdened and sluggish.

The signs that the liver gets sluggish are digestive issues, cholesterol issues, fatty liver, skin and hormonal problems.  Studies show that most of the people who are obese or suffering from diabetes have fatty liver.

The best way to rejuvenate your liver is to be away from toxins like environment and diet.  Select non toxic alternatives when it comes to household cleaners, food packaging, etc.  Drink a lot of filtered water, as sometimes water can be contaminated with heavy metals and pesticides, which helps in proper hydration.  Have organic products to avoid the chemicals.  Cut down on sugar, junk food and alcohol consumption.  Eat foods that support the liver like proteins, fruits and vegetables, beverages like organic cranberry juice and lime water.  

There are herbal supplements available which are safe and effective, naturally restores liver health and supports healthy liver function -

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. These are 100% natural herbal supplements.