Monday, September 14, 2009

Alcohol and Liver Damage!!

Alcohol consumption may damage your liver and leads to a number of life-threatening diseases. Alcohol metabolism for long period of time due to continuous consumption of alcohol cause scaring which results in hardening and this condition is known as cirrhosis of the liver. The damage caused by alcohol is sometimes so severe that it needs a liver transplant.

Alcohol damage may interrupt with the metabolism of lipids, proteins, and carbohydrates resulting in malnutrition and toxicity in the blood. The dangerous illnesses caused by alcohol consumption include:

Fatty liver: - It is characterized by the enlargement of liver arises due to fat deposition. This may cause discomfort and pain in abdomen. Fatty liver is very common in alcohol drinkers

Alcohol Hepatitis: - It is characterized by fever, jaundice, and tenderness. It is a chronic disease which may leads to gradual liver damage and cirrhosis. Alcohol hepatitis in some cases cause death also.

Cirrhosis: - It is associated with hardening of the liver. With time, liver cells divide, regenerate and thus scar tissue replaces healthy liver cells. This loss of healthy cells causes toxicity in the blood and acute liver failure.

Other complications: - Liver performs several vital functions like it clears toxins, helps in the metabolism of macromolecules, and prevents malnutrition. However liver damage may affect all these vital functions all together. It can also leads to organs failure like spleen, kidneys, stomach etc.

You can minimize the chances of above mentioned liver related complications and disorders by using appropriate healthy liver supplement i.e. VitoLiv. This natural supplement improves your overall liver health – removes toxins from liver, improves regeneration process of liver cells, prevents the entry of harmful substances in the liver. VitoLiv is a multi-action formula which has no nasty side-effects and endorsed with 90 days money back guarantee. To know more about this amazing liver supplement, visit

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